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Don't Let Bank Recs Wreck Your Rep

Very early in my career, I was a staff accountant for a large property management company that is no longer in existence. My entire portfolio had the same close schedule, so I ended up with two weeks of free time each month. I used this time to help my peers with their least favorite activity: bank reconciliations. Surprisingly, two of my colleagues were 'plugging' their recs month after month. In the days of Excel-based reconciliations, this was far too easy to accomplish. One accountant simply hard-coded a zero in the 'difference' field, while the other added a single line item labeled 'reconciling difference,' which they updated each month with the difference they couldn’t be bothered to find. I worked to clean up months of obfuscated issues while reiterating the importance of accuracy in one of the most straightforward tasks we had. Thankfully, these two moved on to other roles at other organizations shortly thereafter (one of them—ironically—ended up in an internal auditor position).

In the fast-paced world of financial management, where transactions occur at lightning speed, maintaining accuracy and timeliness in bank reconciliations is crucial. Yet, this essential accounting process is often overlooked or pushed aside in favor of seemingly more urgent tasks. However, bank reconciliations are not just a mundane chore—they are a vital part of a company’s financial health. Let’s explore why bank reconciliations are important and how you can simplify this process.

Why Bank Reconciliations Matter

  1. Financial Accuracy and Integrity Bank reconciliations are the bridge between your company’s financial records and the actual bank statements. By regularly comparing your books to bank statements, you ensure that all transactions are accurately recorded. This process helps in identifying any discrepancies such as errors, omissions, or even fraudulent activities that could distort the financial picture of your business.

  2. Cash Flow Management Timely bank reconciliations provide an up-to-date view of your cash flow. Knowing your actual cash position helps in making informed decisions regarding investments, expenditures, and budgeting. It ensures that you have a clear understanding of how much cash is available at any given time, preventing issues like overdrafts or missed payments.

  3. Fraud Detection and Prevention One of the most significant benefits of regular bank reconciliations is the ability to detect unauthorized transactions. Whether it's a case of internal fraud or external threats like hacking, reconciling your bank statements allows you to spot and address suspicious activities promptly, safeguarding your company’s assets.

  4. Compliance and Reporting For businesses subject to audits, regulatory compliance, or reporting requirements, accurate and timely bank reconciliations are essential. They provide auditors and regulators with confidence in the reliability of your financial statements, ensuring that your business meets all necessary financial obligations and standards.

Simplifying the Bank Reconciliation Process

While the importance of bank reconciliations is clear, many businesses find the process cumbersome or time-consuming. However, with the right tools and strategies, bank reconciliations can be both easy and efficient.

  1. Leverage Technology Modern accounting software, like Yardi, offers automated bank reconciliation features. These tools can automatically import bank transactions and match them with your records, drastically reducing manual effort and the likelihood of errors. By automating the process, you can save time and focus on reviewing only the discrepancies that require attention.

  2. Establish a Routine Set a regular schedule for bank reconciliations, whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on your business’s transaction volume. Regular reconciliation not only ensures accuracy but also makes the process quicker, as there are fewer transactions to review each time.

  3. Keep Records Organized Maintaining organized and up-to-date records is key to smooth bank reconciliations. Ensure that all transactions are entered promptly into your accounting system, and that all relevant documentation (receipts, invoices, etc.) is easily accessible. This will help in quickly identifying and resolving discrepancies.

  4. Involve Your Team Train your accounting staff on the importance of bank reconciliations and encourage a culture of accuracy and attention to detail. By involving your team and clearly defining roles and responsibilities, you can ensure that bank reconciliations are completed accurately and on time, even during busy periods.


Accurate and timely bank reconciliations are an essential part of maintaining financial health and stability for any business. By recognizing their importance and leveraging modern tools and practices, you can simplify the process, ensuring that your financial records remain accurate, your cash flow is managed effectively, and your business is protected against fraud and compliance risks.

With the right approach, bank reconciliations can become a seamless and invaluable component of your financial management strategy, paving the way for informed decision-making and long-term success.